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Create a WPAR

mkwpar -A -g testvg -n kristianwpar01 -r -N address=
  • -A (Start the WPAR each time /etc/rc.wpars runs which is added to /etc/inittab in Global)
  • -g (Volume group to put filesystems in)
  • -n (Name of WPAR)
  • -r (Duplicates network config files from Global (see man wpar))
  • -N address= (Sets the IP address of WPAR, rest of the values will be taken from Global)

Extra logging/verbosity for mkwpar


Create a filesystem within WPAR

crfs -v jfs2 -g testvg -m /wpars/kristianwpar01/test -A no -a size=1G -a logname=INLINE -u kristianwpar01
  • -u (Mount group which is the name of the WPAR. Tells the filesystem to mount when the WPAR starts)

Share a Global filesystem with a WPAR

crfs -v namefs -d /sharefs -m /wpars/kristianwpar01/sharefs -u kristianwpar01
  • -d (Name of filesystem in Global e.g. /sharefs)

Detailed WPAR status

lswpar -L <wpar>

Console log into WPAR

clogin <wpar> -l root


stopwpar -v <wpar>

Start WPAR

startwpar -v <wpar>

Remove WPAR

rmwpar -Fsv <wpar>

List all WPAR network details

lswpar -N

Log into WPAR from GLOBAL when root rlogin=false

GLOBAL# clogin 750wpar1
Remote logins are not allowed for this account.

GLOBAL# chroot /wpars/750wpar1 /usr/bin/ksh
WPAR# chuser rlogin=true root
WPAR# exit

GLOBAL# clogin 750wpar1

fsck JFS filesystems

JFS filesystems cannot be fsck'd from within the WPAR. They need to be mounted in the GLOBAL LPAR.

1. Shutdown WPAR

stopwpar -Fv <wpar>

2. Make available all the WPAR LUN's in the GLOBAL

lswpar -D | awk '/disk/ && !/yes/{ print $2 }' | while read -r LUN; do mkdev -l "${LUN}"; done

3. Import all volume groups

Hack loop through array, will throw some errors.

set -A wpar_disk $(lswpar -D | awk '/disk/ && !/yes/{ print $2 }')
count=0; while (( $count < ${#wpar_disk[*]} )); do echo importvg -y <wpar_name>_${count} ${wpar_disk[$count]}; let count="count + 1"; done

4. Run mount in a loop and see which ones fail

lsvg | lsvg -li | awk '/jfs/{ print $NF }' | while read -r FS; do mount "${FS}"; done

5. Run fsck in a loop against all jfs filesystems that have failed

Run in tmux/screen session, as it might take a while.

for FS in <list failed filesystems here>; do fsck -y ${FS}; done

6. Unmount, varyoff and export all the WPAR volume groups

lsvg | lsvg -li | awk '/jfs/{ print $NF }' | while read -r FS; do umount "${FS}"; done
lsvg | grep <wpar> | while read -r VG; do varyoffvg "${VG}"; exportvg "${VG}"; done

7.Start WPAR

startwpar -v <wpar>